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Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

I paid $75,000 for this lesson, but you’re getting it FREE.

THREAD: A tactical approach for turning losses into wins.

Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

Whether business, life, or sports, owning a method for handling losses is required as they’re inevitable.

Every loss is an inflection point - good or bad, is determined by the strategy.

With process, I turned a big L into a W, and created a recipe I’ll use for life.

Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

So, how did I earn this $75K Lesson?

At 23, my 2nd year in business, a banker on his way out, enrolled us in an "Express Lending Program"

Fancy talk for 9% interest rate for a barely-bankable company.

Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

Ambitious, young, and inexperienced is a dangerous combination.

Viewing the loan as growth capital, I pitched my partners on hiring an agency to run ads.

In storage, ads are expensive, sometimes $20/ click.

Strategy lacking, it wasn’t long before the $75K was gone.

Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

After personally guaranteeing the loan and driving my company to near extinction - I had a choice:

1. Bankruptcy & back to the cube
2. Learn a skill & climb out

So, I learned to turn Ls into Ws…

Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

Here's the process:

Step 1: Avoid compounding
Step 2: Identify & learn skills
Step 3: Disassociate from Identity

Let’s break it down…

Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

Avoid Compounding:

Post mistake, focus attention to understanding the root cause - usually an emphasis on outcome > process is the culprit.

A humbling, but necessary first step to correct course.

Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

Identify & Learn Skills:

Bad situations are a function of lacking - either skill set or knowledge.

What skills would have prevented this situation?

Once identified, start learning and APPLYING new skills immediately.

Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

Dissociate from Identity:

The ego is fragile - one loss can prevent future success if not dealt with appropriately.

View it as a standalone event - and promise to be more methodical in the future.

Then move on.

Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

So, how did this become a big win?

After going through this process, I realized what I was lacking:

Digital marketing skillet set that creates long term asset value.

I identified SEO.

Within 4-months of applying new skills, customers started rolling in.

Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

We’ve since grown to millions in revenue without paid ads!

Better yet, I decided to sell my newfound knowledge to others. I created Bright Line Media, my SEO company, changing my life and giving my family financial freedom.

Barrett O'Neill @barrettjoneill

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Follow me @barrettjoneill for more content on business, growth, and SEO.