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Dan Koe @thedankoe

How to start, grow, and scale a profitable side-business (in as little as 1 hour a day):

Dan Koe @thedankoe

Destroy your perception of what leads to quality work. Understand that corporate culture is not optimal. You have a finite amount of attention you can give on a daily basis.


Dan Koe @thedankoe

Dedicate 1 hour to education or execution. First thing in the morning. Wake up earlier. This is non-negotiable.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

If you have a job, 1 hour is enough to build your business. If you have more time, don't make excuses as to why you shouldn't prioritize more time around this. Financial freedom unlocks the door to freedom in all areas of life.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

Learn a stack of skills with high potential profitability. Writing, marketing, and sales are your foundation. Any other skill that people tell you to learn — or you choose to learn — are effective because of these.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

Choose a path that you could see yourself enjoying for the rest of your life. Quick money is enticing. Chasing quick money is exactly why most people don't make money — because they don't enjoy it. It's not sustainable.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

Use your stack of skills to start a service business. Freelancing, coaching, or consulting. This costs zero dollars, requires zero followers, and sets the foundation for a product business.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

Prioritize experience.

You can gain experience on your own through education and building real world projects — but that experience goes parabolic when you start getting results for others.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

Experience matters, but so does income. Double down on learning offer creation, how to get traffic to your offers, and how to reach out to people via cold email or DM.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

Pursue mastery.

If you are only interested in the money that comes from your work, you will suffer. You need something that you can poor your energy into every single day. You need feedback that you are making progress. This is a master key for life enjoyment.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

Don't quit, pivot.

If you aren't making the progress you want, you aren't going to make more progress by quitting altogether. Educate yourself to uncover the problem, gain clarity, and attack from a new angle.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

Once you have results, take note of what got the results. Identify the fundamental levers that people can pull to see results for themselves. Turn these series of levers into replicable systems.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

As you earn more, reduce the amount of time you spend doing things you hate. Outsource, delegate, eliminate, and productize accordingly.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

Throughout this entire process, document it online. Build an audience. Start a blog. Build-in public. Attract people that are interested in you and what you do. This will give you leverage, authority, and a piece of digital real estate.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

Psychic entropy is your worst enemy. If you catch yourself overthinking, overcomplicating, or not taking action — refine your hierarchy of goals. Write out your vision, a series of goals to get there, and hunt for a "why" that fuels your daily actions.

Dan Koe @thedankoe

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