I've made $750,000+ as a freelancer 💰
The secret weapon?
Pitch Decks.
This thread will make you money (completely free) 👇
I've made $750,000+ as a freelancer 💰
The secret weapon?
Pitch Decks.
This thread will make you money (completely free) 👇
Step 1.) Create your outline ✍️
Start with these 5 slides:
1. Cover
2. Introduction (WHO you are)
3. Services (WHAT you offer)
4. Case Study (PROOF)
5. Next Steps
My favorite platform to use is @Pitch 💻
Step 2.) The Cover 📔
The client will decide if this is worth opening in 1/10th of a second.
Increase your odds and:
Pro-tip 💡
A quick/easy way to customize is to add Your Name x Brand/Prospect's Name.
Step 3.) Introduction 🤝
99% of freelancers don't do this.
❌ “I am a photographer.”
✅ “I help brands convert on social.”
✅ “I help newlyweds capture their special day.”
✅ “I create assets that tell stories.”
Sell the OUTCOME.
Not the tool.
h/t @study_web_dev
Step 4.) Services 🛎️
Keep this simple & straightforward.
If you don't have tried & true 'packages'
Consider itemizing your services. 🧾
You'll learn which services actually matter to your ideal client.
Step 5.) The Case Study 🔍
Here's a simple framework to use:
→ Lead with the Key Result 👇
"I helped X by creating (or doing, designing, etc) X and increased X metric by X amount."
→ Then present:
Step 6.) Next Steps 🏃
Your last step is to encourage action.
Create 2 routes forward 👇
1. Get Started → link them to a Google form
2. Have Questions? → redirect them to your email
If they have questions, great.
Here's your chance to refine your pitch. ✍️
If you enjoyed this & you're into building community & making $ as a creator:
1. Follow me @extrafrankie for threads like this 2x per week.
People consider sales as a second-class skill.
They frown on sales because it *seems* pushy or scammy.
I’ve been doing sales for the last 10 years.
Here’s what I have learned from sales that you can use as a super-power in startups, marketing & life:
How I manage my $100M sales team:
€ / año
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