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Jay Clouse @jayclouse

I earn $40,000+ per month as a solo creator.

If I had to start over, here's what I'd do: 🧵

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

1.) Start a weekly newsletter

If you have experience in a particular industry or niche, start there and position yourself as an expert.

If you don't have experience, pick something you're obsessed with and position yourself as a curious learner.

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

2.) Study, study, study

Whether you're starting from zero or already have experience in your niche, become one of the most knowledgeable people IN THE WORLD on that subject.

The better you know a subject, the more unique, insightful, and compelling your work.

So read – a LOT.

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

3.) Go HARD on Twitter

There's still a lot of opportunity on Twitter – especially with Threads.

Turn on notifications for big accounts in your niche and become visible (and appreciated) by being an early value-add in their replies.

Tweet daily and publish 1-2 threads per week.

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

4.) Repurpose your best threads

There's a huge arbitrage opportunity for turning your best threads into carousels on LinkedIn and Instagram.

You can use Tweetpik or go the extra mile and use a design template from @canva

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

5.) Direct social followers to your newsletter

Append every Thread and every carousel with a Call To Action to subscribe to your newsletter for more.

This is a slow drip, but it's consistent.

And every subscriber counts!

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

6.) Start offering 1:1 consulting

Your subscribers will look at you as more knowledgeable than them.

Offer hourly 1:1 consulting to your readers – start at $100/hr and add a booking link to your email signature.

Increase the price $100/hr every 10 bookings.

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

7.) Cross-promote with other newsletters

The best way to get new subscribers is to put your newsletter in front of other newsletter subscribers.

Cross-promote with other related newsletters or purchase paid advertisements in them.

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

8.) Roll out newsletter sponsorship

It's pretty common to get ~$30 per CPM ($30 per 1,000 subscribers) in newsletter sponsorship.

At 10,000 subscribers, that's $300 per newsletter advertisement, which is $1200-1500 per month!

This can really add up.

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

9.) Create a digital product

Through your email replies and consulting calls, you will identify patterns in the problems your audience have.

Create a low-priced digital product (a course or Notion template) to address that problem.

Add it to your welcome sequence and footer.

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

10.) Increase ad inventory

Once you're consistently filling your newsletter sponsor slots, increase your ad inventory.

Two options:

  • Adding a second slot per email
  • Publishing two emails per week

This doubles your sponsorship revenue overnight!

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

11.) Stay the course

If you've gotten this far, you'll have a steadily growing business!

At this point, time is on your side. Just keep doing what you're doing with a focus on consistently making your content a little bit better.

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

12.) Ignore distractions

The more your audience grows, the more "opportunities" will come your way.

Most of these are actually distractions in disguise.

Instead of starting new projects from zero, keep compounding your progress.

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

With this strategy, you'll have three revenue streams:

1.) Consulting
2.) Sponsorship
3.) Digital product

This gives you a diversified, resilient business!

You'll simultaneously be growing across your newsletter AND social.

And as your audience grows, so will your revenue.

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

This approach is simple, but it isn't EASY.

It takes hard work and time to become one of the most knowledgeable creators in your niche.

It takes discipline to publish consistently – especially in the beginning.

Be resilient. Work hard. Have faith.

This is a long game.

Jay Clouse @jayclouse

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