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🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♂️ 6 aprendizajes a la hora de activar (y crecer) la comunidad de @nocodehackers
🧵👇 (HILO)

I've sold 2 startups, cofounded 4, worked at 5 and crashed way more
Here are 11 lessons I learned the hard way (so you don't have to)

Creators: Content creation SUCKS.
Me in 5 months:
26,000 followers on Twitter
13,000 followers on LinkedIn
5,000 newsletter subscribers
Here's my dead-simple content strategy (steal it for free):

Después de +100 proyectos de diseño de producto digital tengo una cosa clara: La perfección es enemiga de lo bueno.
- Impide innovar.
- Te genera frustración.
- Desalinea expectativas.
9 Consejos que me han servido para ser menos perfeccionista y mejor Diseñador de Producto.

Things I'd like to tell my 20-year-old self:

It took me 4 years to write my 1st book.
And it took me 4 months to write my 2nd book.
Now, I can write a 60,000 word book in 30 days.
Here's the framework:

How to improve your sales skills VERY quickly.
Seriously... the real way.

Si algo he aprendido durante este tiempo siendo la community builder de @SinOficina_com es que una comunidad tiene que ser un espacio seguro para generar debates sanos 🏡
Pero, ¿cómo se consigue? Aquí algunos consejos 👇🏻👇🏻

I run a $400K/year business with 0 employees
Here are 7 lesser-known tools I use to get more done in less time:

Twitter hates LinkedIn.
But I'll do 130M+ impressions & $1.4M on the platform in 2022.
Here's how I use LinkedIn unlike anyone else:

Everyone should own an online course that earns $150+ per day.
The problem?
Most people don't know how to build one.
Here are 6 steps that might help you get started.

My one-person business does $169k/mo in revenue.
It costs me $623/mo + 2.9% to run it.
Here are the 11 no-code tools in my tech stack:

Paid membership communities are sexy because their business models resemble SaaS products.
But paid communities are SUPER hard to do well over the long term, due to four major differences... (thread)

I earn $40,000+ per month as a solo creator.
If I had to start over, here's what I'd do: 🧵

Cómo ser mejor vendedor (e incluso mejor persona) con 5 reglas básicas de convivencia :)
1) Escucha la mayor parte del tiempo.
¿Has estado alguna vez en una conversación con alguien que miraba su teléfono o su ordenador? ¿O parecía distraído?

El otro día comentaba que hay una serie de flujos con sus correspondientes emails que son importantes en cualquier eCommerce.
Empezaré con los que me parecen prioritarios.

Cómo ayudé a un cliente a pasar de 0 € a más de 380.000 € en 14 meses, escribiendo emails en 25 minutos y sin invertir en publicidad.

Entre todos los emails que he escrito para clientes y los que he escrito para mi negocio, he conseguido generar más de 500k euros.
Aquí te cuento 11 lecciones que aprendí durante todo ese camino.

🧵8 aprendizajes de un solopreneur de 39 años que monta varias compañías de >$100M en beneficios
De los mejores podcasts que he escuchado, una conversación entre @theSamParr y @ValKatayev 👇

I built communities that created 83m new customers in 2020 with this marketing framework
I'm curious your thoughts
A startup marketing manifesto:

I've made $750,000+ as a freelancer 💰
The secret weapon?
Pitch Decks.
This thread will make you money (completely free) 👇

The single most powerful habit for personal growth:
Over the past 5 years, I've journaled every single morning—and along the way, I've:
- Answered over 1,000 questions
- Tested every app, pen, & notebook
But I always return to a pen, paper, and these 5 prompts:

Everyone is in sales.
Few do it well.
10 secrets to better selling:

I've trained 100's of managers.
The 60% who fail make one mistake:
They don't delegate
Here are 9 tactics to win more by doing less 🧵

How to start, grow, and scale a profitable side-business (in as little as 1 hour a day):

Hard pills you need to swallow (if you want a fulfilling future):

I've spent 22+ years studying Finance with the last 7 as a CFO, and
I'll teach you How to Read a Balance Sheet in the next 7 minutes:

How to 3x your reading speed in 7 days:

Life hacks I know at 30 I wish I knew at 20:

I paid $75,000 for this lesson, but you’re getting it FREE.
THREAD: A tactical approach for turning losses into wins.

How I manage my $100M sales team:

I built my Twitter following from 1k to 40k in 50 days.
My email list from 0 to 7k in 2 months.
And I didn't spend a dollar.
Here are the 9 secrets to building an audience fast

YouTube is free education from the best minds in the world.
But 99% don’t know the best classes to take.
Here are the top channels to advance your learning:

Want to be a 10x better communicator than 95% of people?
Use McKinsey's 3-step Pyramid Principle:

People consider sales as a second-class skill.
They frown on sales because it *seems* pushy or scammy.
I’ve been doing sales for the last 10 years.
Here’s what I have learned from sales that you can use as a super-power in startups, marketing & life:

No budget for marketing?
I’ve bootstrapped a startup from zero to 7-figures without a marketing budget.
Here are 14 tactics that can get you immediate results: